We are looking for an English University Teacher with knowledge of English for specific purposes. This is a fixed-term position located at the Language Centre on the Joensuu campus. The position will be filled from 1 August 2025 until 31 December 2026. Read more below and apply by 24 March 2025.
Role and salary
The responsibilities of the university teacher include:
The university teacher will participate in the development work of their team and the Language Centre. The position includes contact teaching on Joensuu campus.
The position will be filled from 1 August 2025 until 31 December 2026. A probationary period is applied to all new members of the UEF staff.
The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of the Finnish universities. The salary comprises two components: a job requirement component and a personal performance component. In this position, the job requirement component is based on level 5 of the job requirement chart for teaching and research staff. The personal performance component can be a minimum of 6 % and a maximum of 50 % of the job requirement component. Depending on the personal performance component, the salary will be approximately 3400–3800 €/month at the beginning of the employment.
Our requirements and expectations
We require the following:
We consider the following as advantages:
We offer you
Please read more in the Work at UEF section on our website.
Enjoy your life in Finland! Known for its cleanliness, welfare know-how, modern technology and superb education system, Finland is an exotic and safe country to work in. Please visit the Life in Finland section on our website to learn more.
How to apply?
Submit your application before 24 March 2025 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+2) using our electronic application form.
Please note that you must include the following appendices in your application:
Teaching skills will be assessed based on the portfolio of teaching merits, teaching demonstration, and interview. Interviews and teaching demonstrations will be held in early May, and the exact time will be announced to the invited applicants as soon as possible after the application period ends.
For further information about the position and recruitment process, please contact Director Lauri Tolkki, tel. +358 29 445 8214, lauri.tolkki@uef.fi, or Head of Academic and Student Affairs Satu Karhapää-Puhakka, tel. +358 29 445 8024, satu.karhapaa-puhakka@uef.fi.
For further information on submitting the application, please contact HR Specialist Maria Nuutinen, maria.nuutinen@uef.fi, tel. +358 29 445 8428 (out of office 3 March-7 March), or HR Specialist Anna-Maria Puharinen, anna-maria.puharinen@uef.fi, tel. +358 29 445 8077.
Haemme englannin kielen yliopisto-opettajaa erityisalojen englannin opetukseen. Tehtävä sijoittuu kielikeskukseen Joensuun kampukselle. Tehtävä on määräaikainen ajalla 1.8.2025 - 31.12.2026. Tässä tehtävässä tehtäväkohtainen palkanosa on opettajien ja tutkijoiden palkkausjärjestelmän vaativuustasoluokittelussa tasolla 5. Lisäksi maksetaan henkilökohtaiseen suoriutumiseen perustuvaa palkanosaa, joka on 6–50 % tehtäväkohtaisesta palkanosasta. Tehtävässä vaaditaan erittäin hyvää ja monipuolista englannin kielen taitoa ja edellytetään soveltuvaa ylempää yliopistotutkintoa.
Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta. Jätäthän hakemuksesi englanniksi. Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 24.3.2025.
Type of employment | Temporary position (shorter than 10 days) |
Contract type | Full time |
First day of employment | 1.8.2025 |
Salary | universities salary system |
Number of positions | 1 |
Full-time equivalent | 100% |
City | Joensuu |
Country | Finland |
Reference number | 314/01.01.03/2025 |
Published | 24.Feb.2025 |
Last application date | 24.Mar.2025 |